Going through the memory lane..

Discovering thoughts arcane..

The boy wonder in dream..

Painfully he scream

What was there in his mind..

Peace if he could find..

He was endlessly running

To get desired, he was crawling

Damped became his determination

He was searching for the actuation..

Roaming here and there became the usual

Attitude inculcated very casual..

Whom to say, whom to share

He thought who will care..

He found mind perplex..

Questions in heart too complex..

One day sitting on the riverside..

Drops of tears he wished to hide..

Started talking to himself in the lonely night..

Pondering on his serious plight

One thing he never did, losing his hope..

He knew how to cope..

Struggling through became his daily cup of tea

Achieving goal as a favorite leisure time, one could see

“He” resides in every heart..

Tackling problems, a nurtured art..

Just giving a starting hand..

Windy storms to stand…

With a “lets start it” gesture..

Sketching the unseen future..

Trying the exception..

With a “do or die” determination…


  1. Going through the memory lane..
    Discovering thoughts arcane..


    Walking down the memory lane…
    found moments so arcane..

    Why same starts to both? you must combine them to one, somehow, then it will be complete, I think so...

  2. nice poetry. came across your blog through link on your orkut profile. just a suggestion - write freely instead of rhyming, i believe the results would be great as you write well


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